exporting craftbeer from canada to the states

I didn’t expect this, but I’ve got an assignment from a craft brewery who wants to consider expanding into the states. basically exporting beer from ontario to the US.

If you had to choose two states and were a med sized craft brewery in canada, based on regulations, ease, distance, market, demographics etc. which one or two would you choose?

I know this is helping me out, so I will be appreciative if you give me any advice, even good links to figure it out myself.

Thanks. -Fred

I would think NY and PA would be logical choices. Both are beer states and both would be logistically reasonable.

PA has all kinds of crappy alcohol laws.

Personally I think this is a horrible idea unless they are willing to accept a price point lower than the current market. They must make it where someone would pass over a local brew for an import.

With that in mind the suggestion would be states bordering Ontario.
MN is roughly 5.6 million with 185 ish breweries
MI is roughly 10 million with 360 ish breweries
NY (state) is roughly 20 million (NYC is 9 million) with 440 ish breweries

If I had to pick I’d settle on those three knowing it would take wide distribution and a low price point to have any traction.

My $0.02.

That’s true but it has gotten a lot better. They can sell beer in the grocery stores now it just has to be purchased separately.

Yup, my first thoughts were the closest geographical states. Michigan is the closest to the brewery I believe.

I will check the specific laws on PA, but i can bet they are nothing compared to ontario’s insane regulations. Beer at the brewery it is produced here is about double the price of the same beer from the same canadian brewery exported to NY state.