Express Brewing

Just a brief primer on getting grain to glass in less than 10 days.

Awesome, Drew. Thanks!

Nice article, Drew.  For the IPA, couldn’t you do a whipping siphon hop tincture in lieu of dry hopping (as mentioned on page 75 of the Experimtal Homebrewing book) or use a draft infuser in a keg to keg transfer (page 77).  If one has the equipment, why not, right?


Very cool! Luckily I never need to turnaround beer very quickly but if I ever do I know where to turn. The one time I rushed a beer I got diacetyl from removing it from the yeast too soon. It was the result of being impatient vs. being in a hurry.

Hefeweizen is a great style to turn around quickly and the hefe yeast strains are such aggressive yeast that there should be no problem with fermentation wrapping up in under three days. I once brewed a hefe and had it in the bottle, fully carbonated, in ten days.

Being able to tightly control my fermentation temp seems to have made a huge difference in the speed with which I can turn beers around.

Yes that was back when I had very limited temp control…

Goddammit. Why did we not think of this? Perhaps we should now keep quick infused hop tinctures around like we apparently do with habenaros (husband has a woozy bottle with a clear liquid in it that just says “Habenaro” - kind of scares me a bit)… wonder how long you could let something like that sit in a woozy bottle without it getting weird. Huh.

Looks like you’ve got an experiment on your hands!

Need to buy more vodka first.  8)

Sorry, a woozy bottle is…?

Drew, we need to know more about the grain mishap… if nothing more than to mock you. A session beer goes from a OG of 48 points out to 91ish points? :slight_smile:

Thanks Amanda, forgot about how to Google momentarily [emoji6]

Easier than me saying ‘it’s the thing that bitters or hot sauce usually get packaged in’. Which isn’t too terribly descriptive. :wink:

Oh, no mocking of me for that one. It was a club brew session and I sent a couple of the guys in to weigh and grind the grain. Little did I know that they had enjoyed some morning chemical enhancements and they lost track of the amount they had weighed out.


Yeah, to me they are just a bottle

I mean I would never have guessed they had a special name for them