extract Belgian Pale Ale recipe?

I didn’t post this in the Recipe section because I don’t have a recipe to provide.  I’ll gladly delete this and relocate it if necessary.

Does anyone have any Belgian Pale Ale recipes (extract)?  I’m looking for something simple.  I chose Belgian because I like the yeasts.

Thanks!  8)

Check here https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=5.msg12.msg#12

This is an extract version of my all-grain recipe. I whirlpool the flameout hops for about 10 minutes, so that’s where the IBU’s are coming from on them. I like WY3864 when it’s available, but yeast choice is up to you. You can also probably skip the CaraMunich if you’re looking for a drier version of the style.

[quote]Title: BPA (Extract)

Brew Method: Extract
Style Name: Belgian Pale Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 4 gallons

Original Gravity: 1.057
Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV (standard): 5.9%
IBU (tinseth): 29.75
SRM (morey): 12.5

3.3 lb - Liquid Malt Extract - Munich (39.8%)
3 lb - Dry Malt Extract - Pilsen - (late addition)  (36.1%)
1 lb - Belgian Candi Syrup - D-45 - (late addition)  (12%)

0.5 lb - German - CaraMunich I (6%)
0.5 lb - Belgian - Aromatic (6%)

1 oz - Styrian Goldings, Type: Pellet, AA: 5.5, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 25.06
0.5 oz - Cascade, Type: Pellet, AA: 5, Use: Boil for 0 min, IBU: 2.23
0.5 oz - Styrian Goldings, Type: Pellet, AA: 5.5, Use: Boil for 0 min, IBU: 2.45

Wyeast - Canadian/Belgian Ale 3864