I want to use: pilsner malt and Wyeast Leuven Pale Ale Yeast.
Got some noble hops around? If so, sounds like it’s Belgian pale ale day!
Either a BPA or a Tripel if you don’t have any specialty malts.
Oh, I live one block from LHBS, so I can get more ingredients. I just want to use up some of my pilsner malt supply because I have more sacks than malt storage containers right now.
I don’t have “noble” hops, but I have “noble type” hops, which I actually tend to prefer… As to the Belgian Pale Ale, I noticed there wasn’t a recipe for it on the homebrewopedia. Does anyone have a tried-and-true BPA recipe I could look at?
Pils malt to about 1.050-55. Hop to around 30 IBU with Hallertauer. 1 oz. Sazz at 10. Ferment in the mid 60s.
I think that’s the most simple and straight forward recipe I’ve ever seen. I like it.
Thanks! I forgot to add to mash at 150ish.