Fat Tire

All the hype behind bringing this ale to the east coast I was really expecting something terrific.  Just had my first. Very disappointing. Literally no taste. I’m looking for malt. None. Trying to detect hops. None. Is it just me?  Opinions.  Reminds me of the time they brought Coors east back in the early 70’s. Same reaction on my part.

Yeah, it’s a very mild amber. I remember the hype before we got it here (and any number of other beers like Coors,etc., too). Nothing bad or offensive, just kinda boring IMO.


It’s pretty good fresh, especially on tap. In my area it’s very difficult to find fresh though, and I would assume the same may be true for the rest of the east coast.

Best pint of it I’ve ever had was down in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Tasted like liquid bread.

Back when it first was introduced it was nice to be able to find a good craft beer wherever you went in the Western US.  Tastes change though and having it now, it just seems sweet and bland.
I do like the choice of having it on most Southwest flights - that’s quite a leap of craft beer awareness.

Surprised there is still hype surrounding that beer. That was basically my introduction into craft beer almost 20 years ago. I think it is a good beer but nothing special. In 1998 it was an eye opener for me…

Hype because we couldn’t get it. Every time I went into a beer store that had a wide variety and asked for it, their eyes would bulge out and say “oh my supplier can’t get it this far east”.

I might choose a Coors banquet beer over a Fat Tire.  Never really enjoyed it.  Even 20 years ago.

Oh I assumed the hype was related to it supposedly being a really good beer.

Fat Tire is my wife’s go to summer beer. I really don’t care for it either. However, New Belgium Ranger and Rampant are very solid IPAs at a nice price (usually $8.99 a six).

Fat Tire was overrated from the minute it came out. But it’s built New Belgium to what it is today I guess.

I’m not a really a fan, either.
New Belgium has other beers that are excellent, though.

Fat Tire was my cross over beer from Macro to Micro. I still like to have a glass of it from time to time for that reason. I owe it a lot :slight_smile:

I swear the recipe has changed from several years ago. I used to love the stuff…now I cant even choke it down. It has gone to shit over the years. I no longer taste the bready biscuity malt character and fresh hop balance. Its watered down and I honestly think its more than just my tastes evolving.  Little by little I think they tweaked the recipe for the masses. It surely does not seem to be the same beer that boosted me into craft beer.

I did a Fat Tire “clone” recipe with Abbey Ale yeast a while back and I thought it was pretty good.

By today’s standards…it’s total crap

Agree.  I won’t waste my $ on it.

I have a Fat Tire “clone” that is much like what I remember Fat Tire being like. I haven’t brewed it in a while, but I much prefer it over the real thing now.

I don’t buy Fat Tire often but when it debuted a couple of years ago in my state I bought a six pack. I enjoyed it.

Hmmm… It’s been a few years since I’ve had it, but I’ve always felt it was unique among the many American ambers out, which all taste too similar.

I find it quite odd that one would prefer a Coors. Seems overly dramatic to me as a Coors isn’t even on the radar. Fine if that’s your thing, but to say it’s better is quite the pull in my opinion. To each their own though.