Fat Washed Bourbon....for da Weaze

Ok, so a friend loaned me a copy of the April issue of Whisky Magazine. There on page 19 is an article entitled “Whiskies get Fatter.”

So, Weaze, you gotta find a copy, trust me on this… you need to read this article. It talks about a cocktail made from Four Roses single barrel bourbon that has been fat washed. Basically you take 3/4 lb of top-quality smoked bacon, cook on high heat till all the fat has been rendered. Remove the bacon, pour the liquid fat while still hot into a sealable container with a litre of bourbon. Put in the fridge overnight, and then next day remove the solidified fat that has risen to the top, and then strain out any remaining fat from the bourbon.

“What is left is a bourbon with a buttery, unctuous mouthfeel with just the slightest suggestion of swine.”

Now I ask you, is that not pure liquid poetry? They then use this fat washed bourbon to make a Benton’s Old Fashioned. Apparently, Benton’s pig farm is a cult pig farm in TN that sells to high end restuarants, and now cocktail bars. So maybe I’m just a small town boy, ya apparently got to go to the big city to find this kinda stuff. Whoda thought?

Mark, did you get a chance to try the bacon Brown Ale at last year’s Hogtown Brewoff?  Thomas Crawford used similar methods to make it.

damn. no. somehow I must of missed  it. I’ll have to talk to Thomas about that, maybe he’s got a bottle put away.

How great is that?! I read about something very similar someplace else. Think I am going to have to give it a try. It would be perfect to take camping in the mountains with us this memorial weekend. Thanks for the idea.

I’ve never seen a sentence that has made me crave both bourbon and bacon so badly.

it just leapt off the page at me, pure liquid poetry.

Like here?  ;D  http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=6091.0

I knew I read it somewhere!!!  ;D

I’ve got a bit of bacon and a half bot of averageish amber rum.  Baco-rum?

I wonder if the fat that you strain out would still make a good (perhaps even better?) cooking oil.  Rum tinged bacon grease seems like it would be the perfect fat for frying diced onions…

the link maxieboy had posted suggested the process is best with bourbon, rum or vodka - so give it a shot & report back.



I’ll have my plate of fat over here and my whiskey over there

Is there nothing you guys won’t modify?

Glass, ice, and water are the only things my bourbon will ever see.

Ice is really enough water, don’t you think?


Ice is too much water.  If you want it cold, keep it in the freezer :slight_smile:

it’s really more of a pick one kind of thing.  Either it’s winter, and my bourbon is cold and I just add water, or sit summer, my bourbon is hot, and it needs ice.

Or use stones…http://www.x-tremegeek.com/whisky-stones.html

A single 1" square cube of ice or neat. Depends on the Bourbon.