favorite bourbons

I’m a part time bourbon drinker, and have my personal favorites.  Curious what others have tried and liked.

I would tend to say my favorite is knobcreek, great bite, good aroma, clean.
I also love Baysil Hayden, very smooth, almost too smooth but incredibly drinkable. 
Also have to say that makers mark is the best bourbon for the money out there, easy drinker.

I tend to place the other “high brow bourbons” in the same category - 1792, bookers, woodfordreserve, and the like.

I am not a fan of eagle rare, nor buffalo trace.  I do drink Jack and Jim and the like on occasion when someone else has it, but usually don’t tend to buy them myself.

Any other bourbon drinkers?  Any must tries that I may have overlooked?

You can’t go wrong with Makers Mark.

Anyone try Red Stag yet? It’s made my Jim Beam. A cherry infused bourbon. Add a little ice and you have a Manhattan.

I just bought a bottle of Booker’s Single Barrel that is my new favorite.

I like Maker’s Mark and Knob Creek.

I drank lots of Jim Beam in college (South Carolina).  Haven’t really tried any new ones lately, but there is lots out there to try!

Jim is the daily drinker in my house. Otherwise, I like 1792, Woodford, and Knob Creek. The newest one I’ve had was called Bulleit (sp). Not bad stuff. Price range was around the same as Woodford. I’ve yet to try Basil Hayden’s. I always see it, but just haven’t made myself get any yet.

I usually get Heaven Hill.  Maybe a bottle of Eagle Rare for Christmas.

If you like Basil Hayden’s give Elijah Craig 12 a try. I think it’s the best value out there. They have an 18 as well, which is good but not worth the premium (IIRC it’s almost double). Heaven Hill is my other favorite.

I like manhattans but you forgot the vermuth and bitters

I loves me some Knob Creek.

For lower $$ stuff, I go with Early Times.  Pretty cheap and tastes decent to me

JD black label, but that’s a whiskey.

I was out of vermuth one day but I had some Red Stag. I added ice and it worked till I could get to the store.

If you can find it, Corner Creek is well worth a look. It’s the one that looks like a wine bottle.


Woodford Reserve

OK, got a question for the bourbon drinkers then. In the current issue of Men’s Health they claim Old Gand-Dad came out on top in a blind taste test. Looks like this stuff is $18 for a 1.75l. Anyone tried this stuff?

BTW: Smirnoff came out on top for Vodka - definitely wrong on that one IMO.


I can’t say i’ve ever tried that bourbon.

Old Grand Dad is fine sipping on the rocks.

I prefer Elijah Craig though.

I’ll second that

You hit my weak spot… :slight_smile:

Now yer talkin’  Not a huge JD fan, but very much a whisky/whiskey and scotch fan.  Drank all kinds of rye when I was younger, but find it too sweet nowdays.

I like bourbon, but I really prefer Rye whiskey.