Favorite hop mix?

I’m pretty old school when it comes to hops. I don’t brew a lot of Pale Ales or IPA’s although I do enjoy them. I have to admit I am not up to date on all the new hops out there. All the fruity, “juicy”, melon, passion fruit stuff I just haven’t experienced much.

But with a Red IPA on the brain I thought up a mix of Columbus, Amarillo and Centennial sounded good.

I know some other common mixes I see are Cascade/Centennial, Amarillo and Simcoe.

Whats good to pair up with say Citra or Galaxy? I’ve also wanted to use Chinook in a beer for a while but haven’t looked into them much. Could I get a few suggestions, reading hop descriptions sometimes just do give me enough of an idea, especially when talking good combos.

*Edit…I just seen the next thread is turning into something similar, didn’t even see it before posting.

I don’t have a favorite combo necessarily. Centennial, CTZ and Amarillo could be one (maybe with just a touch of simcoe). I have been blending Azacca and Mosaic for a very nice “tropical” IPA lately.

Citra Equinox (now Ekuanot) is one of my all time favorite mixes.  I make a IIPA with it and when its on tap, becomes dangerous because the hop aroma and flavor keep me filling my glass.



I currently have a 1:1:1 Equinox/Comet/Centennial IPL on tap. I love citrusy hops and this combo somehow ended up having very strong orange character that I am in love with. Equinox is just amazing in my opinion and will become a permanent part of my APA/IPA if I can ever settle on one recipe…

yeah - this hop has worked its way up the priority line, I’m using it in a lot of recipes now.

doing a simcoe/ekuanot mix next.

to the OP:

Citra and Galaxy also work really well together.  or alone - for a Red IPA, all Citra or Citra plus a little Willamette is money (Tocabaga Red IPA from Cigar City is predominantly Citra with some Will - I devised an homage that is ridiculously good).

Willamette is vastly under appreciated as part of these big IPA hop blends IMO.

I just killed a keg of amber ale with summit, simcoe, and saphir.

Thanks for the input, keep it coming.

I love Willamette, I agree its very underated. I use them inan Amber Ale, never would have thought about them for an IPA but now im interested. I do like Citra, but I get the catty character and not the fruity mango so I would like to mix it if I use it again. I think I have had an all Galaxy Pale Ale. I bet that would be a good combo.

Fuggles and EKG.


I’m a fan of mixing “German” and American hops.  Mt. Hood and Columbus.  Tettnang and Cascade.

Clusters and Saaz (well, Clusters and any noble hop).

Northern Brewer or Perle and Hallertauer.

Styrians and Saaz.

Challenger, Target, Styrians, and EKGs.

Chinook, Centennial, Amarillo, and Cascade.

I don’t have a favorite necessarily. Lots that I like a lot. Always evolving with trials of new varieties.

Mt Hood/Liberty
Mt Hood/ Cascade or Centennial
Azacca/Lemon Drop
Ekuanot/Chinook (or Ekuanot with Simcoe,Galaxy, or many ale hops)
Amarillo/Centennial/Chinook or Columbus

Several others depending on mood.

This^^^ for me! Citrusy, catty, dank and fruity.

Your not alone my man. That is a wonderful combination.

Thinking about mixing, I realized I do a lot of single hop stuff, but one combo that I’ve used over and over again in my Cascadian Dark Ale is a 1:1 of Cascade/Mosiac.  100% Cascade a la Sierra Nevada Pale is too much for me, so the addition of some citrus cuts it just nicely.  I made one batch with Cascade/Citra since I had a bunch of free citra laying around (conference give away) but it wasn’t as good, even though I love Citra.

Most of my other IPA’s have been single hop.  Did one with HBC 438 (Ron Mexico) that was incredible.  About to do one with El Dorado.

I use Magnum for clean bittering, and then late aroma hops, but I don’t really consider that a combo.  Like my El Dorado DIPA I’m brewing this weekend is Magnum at 60 minutes and then El Dorado at 10 min and El Dorado dry hop, so in my head that’s a “single hop” since all the aroma and flavor is going to be the El Dorado.

Cites/Simcoe is a good one.  I had an IPA dry hopped with the combo at the Cigar City tasting room and liked it enough to try it myself.

I like variations of fruity with citrusy with piney or resiny


I love those 8 hops and just like mixing & matching them.

For German beers, I favor Hallertaur.
For English, its Fuggles and Challenger

I am in agreement with you 100%. I do a “hop lager” with Mandarina, tettnagner and Cascade and it is very tasty when fresh. My house IPA used to use French Strisselspalt (I know not German but…) and when I had na hard time finding that hop I felt that the beer suffered. I do use Crystal now in place of that, which I feel is almost German enough.

I’ve been gathering info from various sources. Here’s what I have so far:

"Amarillo and Citra, are pretty much a match made in heaven. Simcoe mingles with them just as smooth. My favorite combo, period.

Cascade and Centennial are really nice together. Columbus obviously rolls with these 2 guys pretty well, too.

Nugget and Willamette are awesome together as well for darker beers that don’t need a million ibus.

English Style Combo’s

  • Fuggles, East Kent Goldings, Styrian Golding
  • Fuggles, East Kent Goldings, Willamette
  • East Kent, Fuggles, Willamette
  • East Kent Goldings, Styrian Goldings
    German Style Combo’s
  • Any noble hop series is fine
    American Style Combo’s
  • Cascade, Chinook, Columbus
  • Cascade, Centennial, Chinook
  • Cascade, Magnum
  • Galena, Centennial, Cascade
  • Warrior, Amarillo, Simcoe
  • Warrior, Simcoe, Amarillo
  • Mt. Hood, Crystal
    Belgian Style Combo’s
  • Saaz, Crystal
  • Saaz, Styrian Goldings"

Doesn’t Sierra Nevada Pale Ale do something like this? I seem to remember them using Perle hops at some point in time.