I suppose this is a bit on the late side, but if anyone was at the 2014 NHC and had feedback on the How to Homebrew Sake presentation, I would love to hear it! I am hoping to incorporate lessons learned into my next seminar submission, on a different topic. Thanks in advance!
I was not present for the presentation, but I have listened to the recorded version. I actually gave it a re-listen yesterday since I was going out for sake & sushi.
I don’t have any specific recommendations, other than the presentation was excellent. I would have liked a bit more details at a few steps, but given the subject matter I think you made the right choice to present the topic at a high level and leave plenty of time for the audience to ask questions.
Speaking of questions, since we have you as a captive audience I do have a few questions about sake brewing if you don’t mind.
For nigorizake, you mention that it’s pretty much a matter of sucking up a portion of the lees and including that in the final package. I was just wondering if there’s any steps you would take to separate the yeast cake from the rice solids. Or is there no separate yeast cake? I know what it tastes like when I get yeast in a beer that shouldn’t have any, I wouldn’t want that yeasty flavor in a nigori sake.
Has anyone in the homebrew sake community tried polishing their own rice? I was wondering if a rock polisher (or some other device) might be able to shear rice down to a level equivalent of what is used in ginjo/daiginjo sake.
Thanks again for an excellent presentation!
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed it :). All the verbal feedback I’ve gotten was very encouraging, but the post-presentation polling data was a little critical…with no details to it, of course.
I frankly haven’t heard of trying to separate out the yeast from the rice solids. There is no particular layering of the solids or the yeast, it’s just one big gooky mess.
I can tell you from first hand experience that I did not get any yeastiness from the solids when I made a nigorisake, if that helps :).
I also have not heard of any attempts at polishing one’s own rice, but I’d love to hear the results of anyone who did!
PS I did submit for another seminar topic, this time on electronic controls 101–basically a primer on all things electronic associated with the brew day. Hopefully I’ll hear good news in a couple weeks!