I plan on brewing a beer with WL Cry Havoc yeast.
I usually brew ales, and put the carboy in a cooler with water and do the ice bottle swap routine.
But seeing that I can do a lager with the Cry Havoc yeast. I thought I might give it a try.
I set my keg fridge to the warmest setting and It started out @ 53°f and after 28 hours it’s @ 56°f.
If it doesn’t get any warmer and stays fairly stable, is there any reason I can’t put my carboy in the fridge and ferment a lager?
I realize it won’t be super controlled but it would still most likely be more stable then my ice bottle swap method.
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. My chest freezer with external thermostat has been used for lagers in that range (but I tend to go cooler than that - 52F or even 46F for certain strains).