Brand new to the site and first post. So this is my 6th all grain batch and I’ve had success in the past. I brewed a robust Porter yesterday and this morning it was at 62 degrees in the closet with no activity. I moved it upstairs and turned the thermostat to 70 at 6 am. I got home at 5 pm and the beer was really warm and very active. I took a sample and it was at 100 degrees! I immediately got it in an ice bath and cooled to 75 now and back in the closet. The yeast strain was wlp005.
My question is, will I have lots of esters or fusels if it was only for 10-12 hours of fermentation? Cheers
First check your thermometer. There is no way that a fermenter at 70° ambient can hit 100°. I don’t care how exothermic fermentation is, 100° isn’t happening.
You’ll never know until you taste it. Just keep the temp stable and it will be ok. Jacking with it back and forth is bad news.
Yeah exothermic temp swings are +/-10F no where near 30F. Easy check is ice water should be +/-1F of 32F. If it’s a dial thermometer you can adjust with pliers to 32F or boiling water to ~210.5-212F depending on your altitude mountains are what? 205F