Fermented grapefruit juice

I made a batch of grapefruit “wine” recently. It was just Florida’s Best grapefruit juice + yeast (IIRC it was Cote des Blanc). It’s got kind of a funky nose on it. Like sulfur, but slightly different. I used a bit of yeast nutrient, but I think the yeast was still pretty unhappy due to the low pH. It still smells strongly like grapefruit juice, so it might just be the aroma of the juice, and not actually yeast-produced sulfur.

Anyway, I didn’t make it to drink by itself (I made it for radlers) but it’s pretty undrinkable on its own. Mixed with a pilsner it’s pretty nice though.

Hmmm… bet it would be pretty nice with SNPA or any other Cascade-heavy APA/IPA. Heck, maybe try Randalling it over some Cascades in a french press…

Isn’t radlers just beer mixed with non-alcoholic juice or soda?  I’ve gotta be honest, grapefruit wine sounds just plain awful any way you look at it.

I find soda to be way too sweet, so I don’t really care for any commercial radlers.

sounds disgusting from the start. you should have known better. and rattlers are for sissy’s… just sayin’.

Amen.  Beer is fine on it’s own IMO.  Why ruin a perfectly good thing with something so vile?  Oh well, for each his own I guess.

You guys have no imagination. In the grand scale of “ruined beer” this ranks well below Bug Light Lime, et al and is nowhere near as vile as most of what Leinenkugel makes.

I do think next time I’ll mix the grapefruit juice with something else, maybe apple or pear juice.

Fermenting apple or even pear juice I can understand.  There’s plenty of fruit juices that can be fermented on their own or with beer.  There’s just not alot of success stories out there when it comes to fermenting any citrus fruit juice, not that I’ve heard anyway.  I’m no stranger to experimenting with all kinds of ingredients, but this one just doesn’t make alot of sense to me.  But hey, go for it and let us know how it turns out.

BTW, I can dig what you’re saying when to comes to Bud Light lime and Leinenkugels.  I steer clear of that nastiness.  I’m not sure this is any better than that stuff though.  Just sayin’.  :wink:

What is this, Horse-ville? 'Cause I’m surrounded by nay-sayers!

Well, it’s not nearly as bad as you guys think it is. I don’t really have any personal attachment to it one way or the other, I just thought it was interesting.

Worry the bottle, mama. It’ds grape fruit wine.

I’ve had pineapple juice spontaneously ferment and it was still ok to drink. Fizzy.

Grapefruit while a decent additive sounds like it’d be too bitter fermented. But, I’d try a radler with it. Why not? Might be a new discovery. Can’t be any worse than fermented mare’s milk.

Oh man, you’re right! It is pretty bitter. I think it’d make a nice sub for bitters in fizzy drinks. I’m gonna have to try that in a pink gin and tonic later.

There’s not a way to say this without sounding like a douchebag, but I’ve been really interested in the intersections of flavors between wine, beer and spirits lately. I’ve been making a lot wine-like sour beers lately.

kick off your high heel sneakers, it’s party time

Why is it being a douche to seriously consider these things?

Any way I like these flavors too. For some reason I actually like the taste of sweet vermouth in gin or vodka. That’s a hell of an intersection. Wine in juice I enjoy- especially the Santos sangria iced down in a glass in front of me right now. I have yet to blend wine and beer but the day is coming.

Considering flavors isn’t douchey, I just think it’s hard to discuss them without coming off as pretentious or arrogant. I’m thinking more of the molecular gastronomy crowd.

I’m a big fan of sangria too. I haven’t had the santos, but if I see it I’ll pick some up. Isn’t sweet vermouth and gin a negroni? Last night I tried the grapefruit juice with gin, a few dashes of Angostura bitters, and half a lemon. It was pretty darn tasty. The grapefruit juice tastes a lot like a low-alcohol sparkling campari.

I love a well-made negroni! You can find me splashing a little campari in my gin and lime juice. Excellent! Also goes well with vodka.

Hehe we should come up with fermented grapefruit juice drinks! I think sweet red wine and ice to make a sangria-type would be a good place to start!

i don’t see why you couldn’t use the grape fruit juice to add a bitter flavor to beer instead of so much hops.

i agree with the bud light lime comments and most of the leinenklugels. but i actually like the lieny oktoberfest everything else can go.

i especially don’t like their shandy.  i mix my own with GI 312 and carbonated lemonade (about 50-50)over ice.  damn refreshing on a hot summer day.  oh hey, its hot here.  time to pull this one out

I can see that with a lightly hopped beer, like a wheat or a Berliner Weiss. Maybe even an IPA with citrus-heavy hops, like Erock was mentioning.

Maybe an APA with nothing but late additions and dry hops. Shoot for a low IBU for the style and then add the grapefruit wine to taste after fermentation is done before kegging/bottling so you can shoot for a balanced bitterness. Instant fruit bomb?