Fill in the blanks

I want to make an ordinary bitter from extract and specialty grains

Here is what I was thinking for a recipe start - any suggestions on filling in the blanks? and hop suggestions

3 lbs. Light DME

1 ¼ lbs. Alexanders pale kicker

½ lb. crystal l 10

½ lb. ???

Not sure on hops


Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale

I would leave it with just the crystal 10L, or maybe 20L or 40L would be a bit better for this beer.

Bitter and dry hop only with either hop (start with EKG maybe) IMO and your golden.

I agree with going what you have on the malts side except for replacing the crystal with something darker.  60L wouldn’t be out of line here.

On the hops I’d do a couple ounces of Fuggles at 60 and then smaller amounts of EKG at 20 and 5.

3.3    lbs. Gold LME

Well here is what I’ve decided

3.3 lbs. Gold LME
1.4 Lbs. Alexander’s Pale kicker
8 oz. Carapils
8 oz. Caramel 20 L
2 oz. Fuggles
Whitbread yeast (Wyeast 1099 smack pack)

1.5 oz Fuggles  60 min

.5 oz  Fuggles 5min

I may call it “Fugg You Bitter”

My first non kit effort – I hope to brew Sunday

Any suggestions / words of caution?