
Any Recommendations on using a filter while bottling your beer

My recommendation is based on my own esperience. I would recommend not bothering. I found it to be a PITA.  But that’s me.

In general I agree with Denny.  I’ve never filtered beer, but I’ve done it with mead a couple of times.  It was kind of a pain and didn’t get all the really fine sediment out anyway.  I don’t recall the filter rating.  It was either a 5 or 1 micron.

Are you bottling from a keg?

What are you trying to filter out? A cold crash in the low 30s (F) for 24-48 hours will cause most yeast and hops to settle out so there is no need to filter.

I agree with all the above.  Filtering is a waste of effort with little, if any, reward.

EDIT:  I found using 1 Whirfloc Tablet in a 5 gallon batch 15 minutes before the end of the boil followed by a cold crash after bottle conditioning is complete produces very bright beer.

FWIW, a Whirlfloc tab is good for 12 gal. I use 1/2 for 5-6 gal. batches works equally well. Give it a try of you want to save some $

Thanks for the tip! :+1:t4:

I make a blackberry Jalapeño beer and I would like to filter out some of the blackberry when I bottle it

I would consider it a last resort. Can you cold crash and rack from above the sludge? I would guess that if there is that much stuff in it it would clog a filter.