So my landlord had a new fridge delivered yesterday and I got to inherit the old vintage fridge that doesn’t know when to quit. I am not using it’s ‘fridge’ capacity now as you can’t turn the temp up above freezing everything in it solid and I don’t have the dinero to invest in a controler at this point. but I figure it’s well insulated and if I swap out ice packs, frozen bottles etc. daily it should be good. tossed 10 gallons of cali common in there last night with all the gel packs, ice packs I had on hand and frozen (About a dozen) and it feels reasonably cool this morning, thermometer strips on the fermentors are reading 68 which is a little high for a cali common but it will have to do for now and at least it will stay fairly stable. yipee
Are you able to do some simple wiring? If I do any installs the next few weeks here in Ohio, I will save the parts for you to make a temp controller.
I could probably manage any wireing that does not involve actuall soldering (sp?) Electricity does make me nervous though. I installed a 220 breaker once and even though I had JUST turned off the main I was sweating up a storm as I touched that screw driver to the breaker box. Not sure how the PM thing works but if you can PM me I will get to address. Might not end up worth it with shipping all the way over here to the left coast but who knows.
Why not put it on a $3 analog timer. Maybe on for 15 minutes once every two hours. Something like that.
I might just try that. Maybe I will stop at the hardware store on my way home today