I’m considering using fining agents on my next beer. Which of the options have worked best for you? I prefer something natural over chemical.
Secondly, will fining agents work any better on all grain vs extract brews? Thank you.
I use gelatin for beers that don’t like to clear on their own, mainly Kolsch. Never tried any of the others.
I use irish moss in the boil and that’s it. I tried the clarity-ferm because of it’s gluten reduction but I didn’t see a significant difference in clarity between the 5 gallons I used it in and the 5 gallons I didn’t, and it’s not particularly natural.
I’m a vegetarian so I don’t use gelatin our isinglass but those work quite well depending on what kind of haze your trying to get rid of.
But over all I’ve found that unless I did something really wrong like missed my pH badly the irish moss and time works even with a finicky yeast like WLP029
I use Whirlfloc for most beers, and occasionally gelatin. But I agree with Mort - good pH control, time, and temperature work pretty well.
All of this!
Didn’t even think of whirlfloc… I use it on everything but beers that I want a bit of haze.
I’m pretty sure clarity-ferm is for chill haze, so if you didn’t have that to begin with …
Here’s a nice article from BYO. Different fining agents combat different types of haze.
Whirlfloc on the boil (10 minutes left) in every beer, then gelatin in the keg for most. The Kolsch I just did I used gelatin in a keg with a cutoff diptube and then transferred using a jumper on the two out ports to another keg, and it is crystal clear!
I’ve had mixed results with Super Kleer.
I use gelatin to drop extremely stubborn yeast. I prefer to do it in the fermenter, rather than the keg but both work fine.
I always forget the Irish moss. I honestly can’t recall the last time I used it.
Nothing clears beer like extended conditioning, though. Of course, some beers need to be drunk right now.
Finally, I don’t think the fining agent cares if you used extract or not.
Biofine Clear A3 is “vegetarian” and works better than gelatin. Its the best fining agent I have used. That said, the kolsch in the pic in my avatar was fined with gelatin. Might be hard to see in picture but that beer is crystal clear.
Keith- It has always made me thirsty just looking at it, even at 7:30 AM.
I use Irish moss and gelatin, if needed.
I strictly use Irish moss and and that’s it, it works great, 10 minutes in the boil, 1/2 tblsp to my 6 gallon batch. That and a few days of cold crash prior to packaging provides me crystal clear beer all the time.