I’m brewing with my brother tomorrow (never brewed before) and wanted to do something fun during the brew day. I seem to remember people making a cocktail with first runnings, adding whiskey or scotch perhaps. Anyone done this?
I always make a hot scotchy. I always vorlauf first. I don’t want my hot scotchy to have grain debris in it. I use a low ball glass and go with a double shot and then about 4-6 oz of hot wort on top. They are fabulous. What style are you brewing? I’m brewing a porter tomorrow. That’ll make a good scotchy. Barleywines make the best IMO. But even the not as good ones are still really good. Kinda like pizza.
+1. Barleywine and wee heavy are great for a scotchy. Quad first runnings are mighty tasty in a scotchy, too. I think I used Lagavulin or Glenmorangie in the quad runnings. Crazy good.