First time keger question

So, Ive completed my kegerator and am looking forward to putting my first brew on tap. I am wondering, as silly as this may be, do you sanitize the beer line from the keg to the tap and the tap as well? If so, is it easier to pressurize the keg with star san and put through the lines and tap? then rinse it with fresh water?
Thanks in advance for the help.

Yes.  This is what I do.  Be sure to disassemble your quick disconnects, posts… everything that can come apart.  Also if you don’t have one, get a long tube-brush for your beverage-out tube.  Don’t leave anywhere for debris to hide, then flush with Star San.

Don’t rinse with water after sanitizing.  I leave the Star San in there, and then dump the first pint (which has a bit of sanitizer).  I also keep a bottle of Star San handy and spray inside the taps when I’m done for the day.  I have perlicks, which are forward sealing, so the little spray in the tap along with the little blue tap brushes keeps them clean and bug free.

Thanks! Looking very forward to Saturday afternoon. Stout and Cider will be flowing soon!