First wort hopping help

I am brewing an IPA on Tuesday which I intend to do a 60 min boil with 0 hops in the boil.  I am adding warrior in FWH and Citra,galazy and mosaic at whirlpool-

Question is, i just read an article that recommended NOT adding high alpha hops (like Warrior) to FWH as some claim it adds an unpleasant bitterness/flavor

Does anyone have any experience with this?  Am I setting up to make a pour(get the pun?) choice?

My intent is a high flavor,juicy IPA with low IBU, or perceived bitterness


I FWH all the time, often with Warrior and find the opposite to be true - it makes for a less harsh bitterness.

Thanks man-

so next question- can I just drop my 60 min additions and only do FWH?

I originally planned to but second guessed it,splitting 1/2 in FWH and 1/2 at 60min after reading the article…

.75oz Warrior FWH = ~33ibu was my intention

Yes.  At this point I exclusively FWH, never 60 min additions anymore.

+1 to using high AA hops for FWH. No worries.

right on- thank you gents

To my palate, assuming around 14% alpha, this amount of Warrior lands somewhere in the mid-40s IBUs for a 6 gallon batch.

Great to know- thanks

edit- how much warrior do you typically add for your IPAs?

i posted my recipe yesterday -

5.25g batch

.75 warrior fwh

whirlpool 175 for 45min
1.5oz mosaic
1.5oz galaxy
1.5oz citra

.5oz citra
.05oz mosaci
.05oz galaxy

About that much.  But I don’t brew them very often, so I’ll defer to Hoosier - I think he’s the cool whirlpool champion around here!!  He might say to use more…

Yep.  :)  Those amounts (assuming no other boil additions) are pretty much APA level to me. Personally, I’d double the whirlpool additions and triple the dry additions for an AIPA. Sounds like a lot but I think you’d be happy with the results !

i guess im confused on whirpool vs boil at this point…

if i put this amount in during boil it would be over 100 IBUs, but now i need to double the amount to get the juicy fruit bomb im looking for?  i guess it seems like the utilization is not there for me or am I looking at this wrong?  Im not concerned about the cost of the hops… I guess it confuses me on why whirlpool additions are better than boil additions

been brewing for 10+ years but the fwh and whirlpool thing is totally new to me

All in the boil, you’re right - IBUs would be much higher. But added at 170-175 you won’t perceive the IBUs as near that high. A lot of IPA recipes from years past showed 2 oz additions at 15, 10, 5 and 0 - 8 oz total. So what you’re doing is adding those 8 oz at a time when far less bitterness is extracted, and better flavor and aroma extracted (not boiled off). By no means am I saying this is the only way to make a good IPA - it’s just what I like doing and like the results. Lots of ways to get there.

no worries- I hope i didnt come off that way either- just trying to wrap my head around it-  makes sense.  so please correct me if im wrong…

FWH additions:
.75oz Warrior

Whirlpool additions (175 for 45min)
3oz galaxy
3oz Citra
3oz Mosaic

3oz galaxy
3oz Citra
3oz Mosaic

thats the juicy fruit bomb im looking for?

I think 4-5 oz dry total would be better - you’ll pick up some nice aroma from the stand, too. If you do it this way I’ll be curious to see what you think.

BAH!  you can use any hops you like for FWH.  I have and continue to use high alpha hops if they have the character I want.

Good to know sir

Right on-  Im got to my LHS tomorrow and gonna go with your recommendation,  I will let you know how it tastes in a few weeks!!

My very general suggestion for total late hopping rates, including dry hops:

  • APA 1-2 lb/bbl
  • AIPA 2-4 lb/bbl
  • IIPA >4 lb/bbl

1 lb/bbl is ~0.5 oz/gal, so 18 oz in 5 gal is ~7 lb/bbl.