Fix tart beer

I made a cherry belgian brown ale and it’s just too tart, I have tried corn syrup and maple syrup to balance it, not too good, any suggestions?


Is it acidic?  You may be able to use some Calcium Carbonate to counteract this.  Try it with a pint, and if it works, scale it up.

There are people who use eggshells to mellow out sour beers that are too acetic, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to try that.  Or I’d at least boil the eggs first  :wink:

Perhaps blend it into your next batch?

I’ve used Potassium Carbonate for Mead.  Never tried Calcium Carbonate other then the mash.  Does Calcium Carbonate not give a chalky flavor?

If you do this for a whole batch, I would let it settle and rack off the sediment before bottling.

See here for some more details: