Hi All,
I’m planning on brewing a strong PA or a lighter IPA for the summer. I want to achieve a nice floral aroma, but without too much of the grapefruit/cirtus, so I’m looking at using actual flowers for this alongside some centennial or cascades.
Heather seems like it would give me a floral aroma and a nice soothing, mellow flavor, but I have been unable to find ANYTHING on how much to use. Every article and post I have read suggests a range of “half a cup to 8 cups,” which is about the difference between an orange and the orange tree when you’re dealing with spices and herbs in your beer. Also, they mention adding it to the boil or “dry-hopping” the wort.
Any advice on 1) how much to use; and 2) when to add to the brew?
Thanks and cheers!