Flying with capped bottles

I have a “wine suitcase” (Brand - VinGardeValise) that holds 8 750ml bottles in separate compartments that has worked great flying with wine in the checked bag cargo hold. I’ve bottled a brew in 750ml sparkling wine bottles that take a standard beer bottle cap. The glass is very heavy but my worry is about the caps leaking at flying altitude. Anyone have experience with this? Don’t want them leaking or worse, popping off. Kind of wish I’d used swing tops.

Keep in mind that the cargo hold is pressurized.  There’s no reason they should leak.

I have flown with commercial 12 ounce beer bottles in checked luggage. I had no leaks.

  • formerly alestateyall.

Every time I come back from Europe my suitcase is full of bottles wrapped in clothes. Haven’t lost one yet.

They are usually pressurized to the equivalent of about 8000 feet altitude, as I understand it. That is perhaps a bit uncomfortable for some people but should be OK for capped bottles, bags of snack food packed at sea level, bottles of shampoo, etc. I usually bag or double-bag all liquid containers in zip-top bags just in case. I arrived in France once with a suitcase filled with clothes soaked in shampoo. Not fun.

The cabin and cargo area are at the same pressure. The pressure is usually equivalent to 6000 to 8000 ft elevation, depending on the airplane.

Thanks everyone. In my mind and reason for the question was remembering how in Lake Tahoe (6000-7000 ft above sea level) the snack bags are always puffed out to the max. I’ll take some precautions, should be good.