Foam Control (FermCap S)

I saw a recent advertisement for this product (FermCap S).  Has anyone ever used it?  I have had periodic blow-outs during fermentation and according to the description, this product eliminates them.  Does it work?

I used to use it to prevent boilovers, but stopped due to perceived issues with head formation and retention. I find it easier to diligently watch the start of the boil.

I use it. Just don’t put too much in. I use 1 - 2 drops max in my 7.5 gallon boil. I stir well and it seems to work fine. I do have an issue with the best before date. Like, there isn’t one. I have had mine for 5 years and am thinking that is too long. Should I toss it and buy another bottle?

Although there are a lot of pro brewers that use it, I do not use it at home.  I agree with Jeffy on keeping a close eye on the boil when it starts and I use a squirt bottle with cold water in it to knock down the foaming in the kettle when needed (learned that from John Blichmann years ago).  I also do not use Fermcap S in the fermenter.  If there is enough head space in the fermenter there should not be a lot of blowoff.

It was all the rage 15-20 years ago. Used it a long time before deciding I didn’t really need it.

I use one drop when boiling starter wort. It all but eliminates foam and chances of boil overs. My kettles and fermenters have enough capacity I don’t need to worry about them.

I’ve never seen any impact on head formation or retention.

If kept refrigerated it will remain viable for several years. Problem is, you don’t know how long or what conditions it was stored before you got it.

I use it every brew day. Wouldn’t be without it.

Let me point out to those that do SNS starters that you don’t want to use Fermcap. SNS depends on foam in your starter.

I just threw out a qt. bottle I’d had for 10 years or so. It had turned solid.

I don’t have an issue with boil over; my kettle has a 15 gallon capacity.  My issue is in the fermenter.  I have a 6.5 gallon fermenter so my head space is limited on a five gallon batch.  I don’t always blow out, but when I do, the cleanup sucks!

So, I gather, the product works, but we don’t know when it will expire, a couple drops is all that’s needed, it can be used in the starter wort and it should be kept refrigerated.

Great info!  Thanks!

Pretty sure the proper dosage is 2 drops/gallon.

Well I must have done something wrong.  I put 5 drops of this stuff into the fermenter moments before filling, thinking the FermCap would mix in the wort better.  No luck.  I had a blowout as I typically do when using OYL004.  5 gallon batch, OYL004 yeast, 6.5 gallon fermenter.  :-\

Should I have added directly on top of the wort?

Yeah I think so.

Okay. Thanks for the input.  I’ll try that with the next batch!  Thanks again!!