Foamy Fermentation but no bubbles

Good day members,

I am as green as my hops to this forum.  Please jump in as I hate ruining my ales…

I came across something new yesterday.  My IPA in fermentation had been bubbling slowly for a week- almost to a point of stopping.  I prepped for dry hop and then opened the fermentation bucket and there was a layer of foam and an odor (fairly strong).  Since I didn’t know what to do and thought I damaged the beer, I moved it to dry hop.  Now my carboy has a slight layer of foam and the beer is cloudy.  Did I destroy my ale?  I did not change any process in my brewing.  This was a simple extract IPA and my yeast is standard SafeAle 05.

Please advise

Us-05 krausen can stick around. I don’t know the cause of this, but I’ve experienced it many times. Did you measure the gravity and taste a sample?

The cloudyness is likely from the hop.

Thank you for the feedback - I responded rapidly and just moved it.  The odor was strong and I did not think to taste it, only to try and save it.

I have not seen this before.  I guess I will just let it sit in dry hop hoping that the cloudiness dissipates.

Describe the odor

Very strong acidic.  I was thinking of taking a sample from the carboy

Does the foam look dry and kind of dusty?

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