I just kegged my third beer and, for whatever reason, it’s super foamy. Force carbonation and I used the same process as before. Basically 30 psi over night, and then 10 psi after that. Still, all I get is foam coming out of the tap. Anybody have experience with this?
What temperature is it at? How long is your line?
It sounds over carbonated. There could also be an obstruction or dirt in the line, at the faucet, or at the poppet that would cause foaming. Look at the line and see where the foam starts.
Another thing to try is to turn the gas off, vent the keg, then put on just enough pressure to get beer at the tap and see if you get a decent pour.
Any chance a bit of hop pellet or other detritus might be getting in the flow somewhere and causing the foaming?
Or different, more foam inducing ingredients (Like wheat) that were not in your earlier batches?
Sounds overcarbonated. You will need to vent the keg for a few days up to a week.
Definitely a chance for an obstruction – I threw 2 oz. of whole leaf hops in the keg for dry hopping. Should I go in an pull them out?
I would do the following -
Remove the dip tube,clean and sanitize it. Make sure there are no particles trapped at the poppet or the faucet. As long as you have it apart, clean and sanitize that stuff too.
Attach a filter of some sort to the bottom of the dip tube when you put it back in. It will be kind of a pain since the keg is full and you’ll probably end up dunking your hands in there, so make sure they are clean or wear gloves. You can either rack to another keg or just serve with the filter in place.
Next time you want to dry hop in a keg, use a hop bag.
Next time don’t carbonate and then transfer to another keg after the “dry-hop” period has passed. A keg screen probably wouldn’t hurt.
For now vent the keg completely and do as Tom says but also take apart the plastic quick disconnect since stuff can get hung up in there too. I run some plastic line from the yard-edger to run a swab through my dip-tubes. They sparkle. If everything checks out or particles removed try just replacing everything with no bag. You might get lucky and have some good pours that’ll make room for your hand.