Foamy Beer in Keg

So i made a IIPA that seems to be all foam… >:(

Every pour is 95% foam and i can see lots of bubbles in my draft line. At one period when i was dry hopping i opened the keg and it started foaming up everywhere. I had just moved the keg so i just thought this might just be co2 coming out of solution.

It smells nice and hoppy and not infected so im hoping thats not what it is. Do you think maybe a connection is loose in the keg and air is leaking in?

I dont think its overcarbed since i only had it on gas 3 days. one at 20 and two at 12, i also released the pressure today before trying to pour, even at almost no pressure it was still all foam.

What else might make it foamy?

Clogged dip tube, post, poppet or quick disconnect? Did you dry hop with pellets?

Happens to me from time to time. You can try hooking up gas to the liquid side to force it back out. Be careful doing this so you don’t foul your regulator or gas lines. Works about 25% of the time for me. Only other option is to disassemble and clean the liquid side. Adding a shortened dip tube helps to keep it from happening.

Sometimes the rapid decompression cause by opening the lid of a keg will cause foam, so I don’t know if that is related.

I did dry hop with pellets but i used my dry hopper from Stainless Brewing. Ill try cleaning the tube/posts. Im quite thorough with my cleaning/sanitizing (especially on $75+ recipes) so i doubt its infected

You are not overcarbed.

+1 to above.

Hope you figure it out. While kegging saves time, i sometimes feel like I’m always chasing little issues. Lids, poppets, disconnects. Lots of places for something to go wrong.

I love kegging vs bottling. I havent had too many issues other than an empty co2 tank here and there because i didnt tighten something all the way.

The clogged tube/poppet seems likely since i can see the bubbles coming up the beer line from the connection. Ill try taking it apart later.

If the keg’s been sitting for a while, open it and just see if it’s still foamy.  If not and you’re still getting foam in your lines, I’d say it’s something in or near the diptube that the beer is getting passed through and the CO2 is getting pushed out of solution.  Also, reset all your disconnects in case they aren’t seated properly.

I doubt this has anything to do with it, but what temp is your keg at and how long are your lines?  Perlick faucet or cobra tap?


been sitting for over 72 hrs in the keezer. 8’ of 3/16" lines, perlick faucets, 38 F

If you disassembled and reassembled the keg, sometimes the dip tube will spin and push up against the wall of the keg when you reassemble.  Assuming you have one of the dip tubes with a bend in it.

I’ll second re-seating the disconnect.  That worked for me last weekend.

I’ve also in the past put a stainless braid over the end of the dip tube for a batch that just kept clogging.  I can’t remember which batch, but it was the only way to get a good pour.

I was able to check it out on thursday before i headed out for a wedding. Its definitely a lot of sediment thats clogging the diptube etc. I think im actually going to have to rack the beer out and back in which i definitely dont want to do but im not wasting this batch haha.

Try pulling the dip tube and putting a screen over it. Some people use stainless scrubbers. I have a braided hose I’ve used.

This way you won’t risk oxidation from transferring.

or, cut your dip tube. Used replacements are cheap enough.

I use a Sure Screen…

or give it a slight bend… they’re quite malleable.

I use one of those too. Works great.

One time I thought I was fine but kept getting clogs. My chopped dip tubes have the little wings on them and wouldn’t work with the problem keg. Ha to put the screen on in a full keg. complete PIA.

To protect the beer when racking, I take my co2 tank and fill the vessels with gas.  The Co2 is heavier than air, so as long as you don’t pour it out or blow it out, it’ll lay in the container.  That layer will protect the beer while you are racking.  I do it for carboys, kegs, buckets, whatever.

Does sound like you put it in the keg too soon though.  Maybe need some whirlflock or other fining agents in the beer.

I usually use co2 to purge my vessels. Also definitely didnt put it into the keg too soon. It was sitting in primary for 4 weeks or so and was quite clear. I also only racked about 5.25 gallons of the 5.5 in the fermenter into the keg, i didnt pull any of the yeast/trub up when racking.