food grade, heat/water resistant tape?

I have sealed the inside of my cracking converted igloo cooler mash tun with some food grade/high temp silicon sealant. The issue is I cannot get the sealant to stay only in the crack. It wants to peel away from the smooth surface so I was thinking about putting some tape over it to keep it in place.

Any ideas on a tape that I could use for this purpose? I know I will need to replace my mash tun so this is likely a temporary solution for the upcoming months.

Maybe something like this?

Do I need something this specialized or could I use something more ordinary?

3M says that they do not have any tape that is rated for direct food contact or drinking water. Maybe this is just a bad idea. Maybe I can just use the silicon sealant to stick a piece of food grade plastic over the sealed crack.

I don’t know, might be time for a new cooler.  The silicon stuff might work for awhile though.

You could try making the crack a little larger and removing some of the insulation, then fill it with silicone leaving a slight mound inside as well to lock it in place. Sanding the plastic to give the silcone something to grab will help as well. Sometimes you need to make the problem worse before you can make it better.

Or you can buy a new cooler.

Thanks for the advice. That is a good idea.

Yeah I think I just need to get a new cooler but I am one frugal sob when it comes to most things. The sealant has been working as far as I can tell…