Free to convert

I just received an upright fridge/freezer combo for free.  It will easily hold a 6.5 gallon carboy.  I would love to make a fermentation chamber out of this.

The unit is a single compressor and is the type that has, for lack of better term, an air channeling device/fan that moves cold air from the freezer down to the fridge.

Can i just simply use one of the temp control devices such as the Johnson controller on this type of fridge?

What is everybody’s favorite temperature controller?

Temp controller is all you need. All of them will get the job done. I use a Johnson analog for my keezer. I don’t need a digital readout.

Edit - just realized I was talking about ohmbrew when you are building a keg fridge. Changed my reply accordingly.

I have a digital Johnson controller and really like it. I do not trust myself to wire electronics so the plug and go aspect is ideal.

You can save money by purchasing a unit that wires into the fridge if you feel comfortable doing that.