Kenmore Elite Freezer Conversion

I was lucky enough to pick up a nice Kenmore Elite Freezer for $100. I currently do not have a fermentation chamber or a keezer. Initially I would like to use this as a fermentation chamber but possibly use it as a keezer if i am not fermenting or convert it to a keezer down the road.

This freezer has a digital thermostat but the max temperature I can set is 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Is there a way to easily override this max temperature?  I really would rather not take apart this freezer and risk ruining it. I saw some plug in temperature controllers that are an option. Does anyone have any suggestions for a plug and play temperature controller or another easy solution?


Plenty of plug in options. Inkbird, Johnson, Ranco, plus many others. I have an analog Johnson on my keezer as I don’t care what temp the dial says, I only care what temp the beer is.

Inkbird Itc-308 Digital Temperature Controller Outlet Thermostat, 2-stage, 1000w, w/ Sensor

Johnson Controls A19AAT-2C Freezer Temperature Controller

RANCO ETC-111000 Digital Cold Temperature Control NEW

I have the Johnson A419. Super easy to set up and has worked great for me. At first I just used it for my keezer but have now started using my keezer as my lager chamber too. I am very pleased with the product and the price is worth the ease to me. Set it to the temp you want and forget it. Can’t recommend it enough.

+1 - I use mine on my chest freezer that is a lager chamber/keezer, and it works perfectly. Set the thermostat on the freezer as low as it will go and the external controller will turn it on/off as needed to maintain temp. Easy as pie.

Thankso so much for the suggestions everyone!

Good luck and enjoy!

Is that a frost-free freezer with removable shelves?  If so, you made a major score.

There’s also this guy:

I like it better than the Johnson A419 I used to use, and it’s dual stage as well.

Yes it is a frost free freezer with removable shelves :slight_smile: it can easily fit four 6.5 gallon buckets in it.

That’s great! Cool idea, thanks for the post!

If youre into DIY, STC 1000’s can be had for super cheap.  I think I paid $32 for a two pack with free shipping from china lol…