Fresh Hop DIPA

Need someone to look over this grain bill and let me know what they think.

Brewing a batch of beer with a friend, using the Cascade hops he grew this year. He likes hoppy beers, so I’m going to try a stab at a DIPA.

Kinda running with the vibe of the AHA Pliny the Elder clone recipe, found here:

OG 1.077, mash @ 151oF.
60% Rahr Pale Malt
15% Briess Pale Ale Malt
10% Weyermann Munich
10% Invert No. 1 (Lyle’s Golden Syrup)
5% Crystal 60 (Might use English medium crystal if I have enough…)

Pretty much as specified in the original, I’ll likely add some Cascade at flameout, perhaps in lieu of the centennial. While it’s possible the cascade could get “lost” in the other hops, I’m thinking any fresh/wet flavors will still be noticeable.

Looks good to me.

+1.  Should be good.

I think it looks good, too.