Pliny the Elder

I have been hearing great things about this DIPA in general and notice a few online brew stores offer it. I was hoping to get some suggestions on who’s to try?


Russian rivers… they have the best one​:rofl::rofl:[emoji6] there is a clone on there

I’ve used Morebeers Pliney the Elder clone kit twice, not exactly like the real Pliney, but it was damn good both times

Vinnie the originator has the recipe posted on the web somewhere. Brewed it several times one of my favorite!

It’s not the same these days. Relies on way more high tech extracts to reduce loses. Still a solid brew.

Blind pig is better.

When was it different? He talked about Hop extracts back around 2009 IIRC.

Variations of the clone recipe could be found way back in the early 2000s. I’ve never seen an official clone from Vinnie/RR that called for extract.

I agree.

I think he said he used Hop extracts to increase yield from the kettle. The recipes used Columbus IIRC, and extracts were hard for homebrewers to find back then. Now they are easy to find. Would he include that now?

No idea. I’d wager he is using finishing/flavor extracts as well these days.

Blind pig made by who?

Russian River Blind Pig IPA. Here is a clone recipe.

Thanks All for the tips. Will give one a try.

I tried to find a recipe for the Russian River Pliny but no luck. Any help?

Elder - Russian River Pliny the Elder Clone - Beer Recipe - American Homebrewers Association

Supposedly close younger Pliny the Elder 4.0 – Bertus Brewery


I made and currently have on tap this recipe for Blind Pig and can vouch that it makes a delicious beer!

I’ve also made and enjoyed very much the AHA recipe for Pliney the Elder.  However, I never understood why the recipe estimates 90 - 95 IBUs, while the actually Pliney comes in IIRC at 72 IBUs.  Maybe the earlier version was a hoppier beer.  Can anyone explain the discrepancy?

I just brewed Pliny The Elder today. I can’t wait to try it.