Frozen bacteria and brett

I received some Flanders pitches in the mail and they were frozen solid. White Labs say a yeast starter may wake up the Sacc. Does anyone have experience with frozen bacteria-brett and waking them up, or are they lost? They were solid probably 4-5 days.  Thanks for the help.

I wouldn’t count on them.  You might be able to revive them, but you’ll have no idea of the proportion of each thing you’ve rescued, and the proportions are important in mixed cultures.  They should all survive to some extent though if the conditions are reasonable, they would have to be adaptable to freezing in “the wild”.  I would work on getting some fresh pitches and shipping when the weather is better or it can be sent in an insulted container or with cryoprotectants added to the culture.  Are these coming from white labs or from someone you know?

I got them from a homebrew shop.

Have you contacted them and asked for replacements?