Last night I switched my chest freezer from fermentation chamber to kegerator mode. I have a pilsner cold crashing before I move it to a keg for lagering, and a barleywine that is starting to carbonate at 10PSI. I set my temp controller to 38F.
When I went to check on it today, I saw that the temp controller was reading 66F. WTF? Then I noticed - I never stuck the probe back in the freezer. The temp controller was running full blast for about 18 hours. Everything in the freezer is frozen rock solid. I put the probe where it belongs, but it will probably take a while to thaw.
I’m not worried about the pilsner in the bucket, but the keg is under pressure. I’m thinking that 10 PSI shouldn’t be a problem. Anyone ever do this? Do I need to worry about things blowing up?
Should be fine…
I had a temp issue this past winter. Froze a 4% beer solid and turned a 6% Vienna into eisbock unintentionally. It turned out just fine.
My worry would be the opposite… I would be more concerned with the bucket as it would be likely to contain a decent amount of yeast which may burst when being froze releasing off flavors.