Fruit beer - liquid pectic enzyme

I made a pale ale with 1 lb of dried apricots in the main boil, and then i am about to dump a 2nd lb that has been pureed and boiled into the fermentor as the krausen fell and want to add it now. Will be letting that hang out inthe until bottling.

My question is regarding using liquid pectin enzyme- i got a bottle of this from my homebrew shop but they were not sure what to do with it - suggested i add it after fermentation is complete. I have been reading conflicting things about this, and would like som assistance to make sure I can get the most clear beer possible.

Please don’t tell me I shouldnt have boiled the fruit and all that, as I already did and that won’t be helpful :slight_smile:

I am fermenting in a catalyst, and will be adding the 2nd lb of fruit once it cools down. I DID add about 1/8th of a teaspoon of the liquid enzyme into the wort about 2 hrs before pitching the yeast, because someone on a facebook group suggested I do that, but indicated I should add more once i add more fruit.


I have been working with a blackberry blonde ale for a while now and found that adding fruit 3-4 days into fermentation for optimal fruit flavor and sometimes adding more fruit (pectin enzyme) is better than adding not enough.
