Trying to make a fruited IPA using the puree method in secondary fermentation but was wondering if cutting the puree with clean water is the right way to go about it, or just adding it straight in below the wort. Iirc, for a 5 gallon batch i think it was around 1 lb -1.5 lbs of puree but if I cut it with water would it still be the same amount? Just worried that adding the puree by itself would be too much sugar and cause a spike in activity.
I would add straight. I believe the concern underlying your question is that the puree will sink to the bottom and not ferment out well. Adding water might help it initially not sink as fast but eventually the puree will sink just because it’s heavier. It’s the same reason all that trub drops out in your beer. Heavier material sinks with time. Depending on how much puree you add you may need to gently agitate the fermentation vessel if you see incomplete fermentation but unless you’re adding an insane amount of puree it shouldn’t be an issue.
Watering it down would not decrease the total amount of sugar, it would just water down the end product. The spike in activity you say you are worried about should be expected and unconcerning. A lack of a spike in activity would be concerning.
I’m very interested in how this goes. I am thinking of doing an apricot wheat beer or something along those lines. My brother is a fan of shock top and was thinking of adding some more flavor to his as well. Please post your results and the method that you used if you don’t mind. RR
Will do for sure. I’m hoping this goes well as I got the method from the owner of a brewery I’ve been frequenting who makes outstanding fruited ales. I know I’ll be doing the method of adding the puree to the fermenter after fermentation has subsided but I’m debating on doing it in a secondary or just going straight in.