Even though I controlled ferm temp at 53°F I ended up with some pretty fruity flavors in my Dunkel that I was not expecting. It’s an otherwise clean, clear beer… just more fruity than I prefer. What has been your experience with 34/70?
Nope. Clean as a whistle side by side against 2124. Are you using heavy munich malt grist with lots of dark munich II? That can often lead to a “grape” character.
What temp did you pitch the yeast at? How much yeast did you pitch? If you didn’t pitch cold then you could have ended up with some extra esters produced during the growth phase of your fermentation.
I use 34/70 quite a bit and have never gotten one bit of fruitiness out of it, regardless of whether I’ve fermented at 45F or 58F. I’ve even underpitched a doppelbock with no ill effects. It is rock-solid dependable to me. It is the US-05 of lager yeast.
I believe I pitched mid 60(s). I know I pitched two packs. I will ensure to pitch at firm temp next brew. I read to pitch high then lower to get a good start. Live and learn. Thanks folks!
This yeast will produce clean beers in the 60s but you really need to pitch and ferment in the low 50s if you want to avoid ale like flavors. It will ferment strong as low as 48, probably lower. Some age may clean up some of the fruitiness.
Hey. Did you cold crash the beer after fermentation? Jamil mentioned in one episode of brewing with style (I think) that lager yeast can become really stressed from cold crashing and spit out a lot of fruity esters. Not sure if it is the case here though.
I did a red lager with 34/70 that has a fruity character however I think it is more due to combination of the malt and hops than the yeast but it has cleaned up considerably after weeks in the keg.
I agree, if the fruity flavor isn’t too bad, some age on it will probably help. I recently kegged a bohemian pilsner that had just a touch of fruitiness to it. After two or three weeks of aging it’s as clean as it can be.
I did cold lager it for a month. I’ll try to give it some time to relax. Problem is my this is in the pipeline and without it i’m not drinking homebrew.