Funky Cherry Cider

I produced a cider with the following recipe and I’m trying to determine which 2015 BJCP category to submit it into competitions with:

4.5 Gallons store brand juice/cider
  0.5 Gallon Tart cherry juice
  4 14.5oz Caned Tart cherries
  0.5 Gallon Kombucha (Previously Fermented)

Various sour bottle dregs
  The Yeast Bay Melange

OG 1.040
  FG 1.000

The cider does not have a strong acidity but has a very strong Brett funk. I’m thinking it should be C2F - Specialty Cider but I’m not sure if C2B - Cider with other fruit would be more appropriate.

Thanks for the help!

I would think specialty since the Brett character is also unusual.