GABF Roll Call - Sat PM?

Looks like I’ll be attending the members’ session on Saturday, and I won’t even have to work! Who else is going to be there?

I’ll be there for both Saturday sessions!

Edit:  I’ll be there Friday night too.  Is there any AHA forum members gathering before, during or after any of the sessions?

I’ll be free all of Saturday, and I’m planning on getting lunch somewhere in town before the session.

Actually, I just got a ticket for Friday too. Sometimes being a brewer does not suck.

I got friends from Dallas and KC coming into town for the event.  I think Friday afternoon we are heading to Dry Dock (in Aurora) where they are tapping a Jamaican Rum Oak barrel aged Vanilla Imperial Pumpkin ale (my beers just don’t have enough words in their names ;D) around 3:00pm.  Then we’re heading to the light rail to make our way to the GABF.  Not sure what our plans are for Saturday, but we are probably grabbing some lunch in between the Sat. members afternoon session and the Sat. evening sessions and will probably be hanging around LoDo after the Fri. and Sat. evening sessions.  I think Left Hand is doing a vertical w/ their Fade to Black series at Falling Rock after the Fri. evening session around 11pm.

I won’t be there, but they will be pouring my beer at the pro am booth.  See if you can guess which one it is.
(I don’t think I’m allowed to promote it.)

Lucky dog! :slight_smile:

Wish I was going.

I may try to make that and knock out my "L"HBS shopping at the same time.

Do you happen to know if a Day Pass for the light rail is 24 hours, or a calendar day?

Ooh, intrigue… Congrats!

That’s cool and I’ll check it out!

[quote=“a10t2, post:7, topic:14822, username:a10t2”]

I may try to make that and knock out my "L"HBS shopping at the same time.

Do you happen to know if a Day Pass for the light rail is 24 hours, or a calendar day?

I think the light rail day pass is calendar day.

OK, I think I can say that I am really stoked about this:  try the Poblano Wit at the Pro Am booth.  It took the gold medal!

that is awesome; congrats!

Congrats Jeff!!!

BIG congrats, Jeff!

Way to go Jeff!!

That was a really great brew!  We were fortunate enough to try some Sat. just before it ran out.  Congrats and well deserved!