GABF 2019

GABF has been on my wish list for a while now but just haven’t been able to make it. Well this year I’m definitely going as one of my beers was selected to be entered in the ProAm competition (entry already submitted so fingers crossed we make it into the comp). Of course I’m very excited by the opportunity! But I have no experience with this fest so am looking for some insiders tips from experienced attendees. Are there better sessions to be at? Members only seems like it would be an obvious choice. I probably won’t be able to attend every session. Any outside events that I should try not to miss? I plan to arrive Wednesday evening and fly back Sunday morning. I especially would like to hear from any previous ProAm folks. Anyone been to the Paired events?

I go to opening night and members day.  Opening night, more of the brewers are around, so you can talk to them about their beer.

Also at opening the beers will still be flowing.

I’ve only been to Friday and the Members Only on Saturday. Members Only is the best because lines are lighter but you will see very few of the brewers around especially once the award ceremony begins. In one session you can hit a lot of beer if you get in line early and do not focus on tackling the most hyped beers. There are always a lot of great beer with little to no line.

As far as events around town I didn’t feel like there were as many last year as past years but I think a lot of that has to do with people chasing hazy beers and releases of those beers right around GABF. Still plenty of great tap takeovers around town and generally a lot of breweries to hit if you want. Many will go out to Greeley to visit Weldwerks for their releases. There are not many ticketed events around GABF as there used to be and the ones that remain are not worth the time IMO.

I’ve been to many GABFs but it’s been a couple years now.  Last time, I kind of decided it was my last.  For me, it has become too big, and too crowded, and too loud.  Really, that many people in an echo-chamber already make plenty of noise all by themselves, without the need for piped-in loud music on top of it.  Definitely an event for youngsters.  Long lines, people standing there not getting out of the way for people behind them to get a beer.  I have attended all sessions, and at least in recent years did not think there were any fewer people in the members-only session on Saturday afternoon than in the other sessions.  You don’t need to be a member to get in, so members buy their allotment of tickets and then re-sell them.

I also had a Pro-Am beer there once.  It didn’t win anything, but they served it and we (the local brewery and I) had our names on the board and took some good snapshots in front of it, so that was fun.

The best outside event I attended was the Rare Beer Tasting sponsored by Pints For Prostates Denver Rare Beer Tasting 11 - Events - Universe.  It is costly ($200 single ticket level this year), but it includes food, unlimited tastings, a t-shirt, glass, and a free screening if you choose (highly recommended if you haven’t been screened…ask me how I know).

I have’t been in a few years, but I would recommend Thursday, opening night, because most of the brewers are there, pouring.  Friday go out and see some of the events in LODO.  I used to attend the Saturday members session, but it has become just as crowded and lots of beer has tapped out.