GABF Travel

Me and a buddy of mine have decided to go to the GABF this year.  I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a zoo like most of the other beer festivals in the US nowadays.  I have fond memories of 1997 and 1998.  However, I just got off the phone with several of the hotels listed on the GABF page and a lot of them are already out of rooms with two beds.  The only one I could find that had a decent rate was the Hilton Garden Inn for $189.00/night.

Also, I got a better deal on a flight going directly to the airline.  I beat all of the other travel web sites by using the GABF rates for the hotel and going directly to the airline.

If you’re thinking about going, get your travel reservations NOW!!!  Tickets go on sale this Tuesday!

Usually, you can get rooms for the GABF next year if you reserve during the GABF this year.

We have stayed at a couple of different B & B’s over the years.  Here’s one just outside of LODO, within a couple blocks of a light rail station that goes directly to the convention center.
They had an excellent breakfast and free parking.

and only 3 blocks from the Great Divide Brewery

It was even closer to Flying Dog’s tasting room/pub, but I don’t know if there’s any beer at that location now.  An easy walk to Breckenridge, too.

Please help,
I am new to the forum and will be at the GABF for the first time this year in 2011.
The bed and breakfast sound great, but, I am traveling with my fellow home brewer.
We will be two dudes looking for cheap sleeping during GABF maybe near the rail or bus…I don’t want to risk a DWI while on a vacation. I posted here because I would like to visit other local breweries while in Denver, without car (am I crazy?)

Thanks a bunch!

Tim, you’re in for a big shock… Think 1998 X 100. Heck, possibly X 1000. My best advice as a local who goes every year: attend the Saturday afternoon session as your first choice and the Thursday night session as your second. Friday and Saturday nights are simply crazy. If that’s your thing, more power to you. Otherwise, in my experience, you have more chance to actually talk beer and brewing techniques with a given booth-manning-person when there’s not so many people around. Why? There’s a greater chance that booth-manning-person may actually be an brewer/employee of the vendor instead of a random volunteer who may or may not know much about the beer they’re pouring.

Just a few thoughts.

I figured it turned into a zoo.  I have tickets for all four sessions and got Farm to Table for Friday night to avoid the crowds.  If Saturday is an obscene mob, we’re going to leave and drink locally.

Over the past few years most beer festivals have descended from being a celebration of the craft to mobs of low-IQ gorillas elbowing folks out for another glass.  I’ve stopped attending most of them as a result.  I prefer to judge competitions now because the beer is usually better (and more diverse) and I can swap stories and beer/brewing advise with the other folks there.

I hope the AHA/BA considers creating a “Members Only” area during every session and keeping the Members Only session too.  I’m going again this year with a friend who has never gone.  If it’s an ocean of gorillas, I won’t be back.

Don’t bother going on Saturday night.  Just do Thursday and Saturday afternoon.  Saturday night was the worst one I think, in terms of the crowd.  Sell or give away the Friday/Saturday evening tickets.

Naw, we’re going to keep Friday night for the Farm to Table part, unless of course it is a waste.

Anyone want some Saturday night tickets?  :slight_smile: