GABF (a different sort of thread)

There’s a lot of topics about tickets and such, but just curious what you all do for GABF as far as tasting.  What is your gameplan?  This will only be my third year (but I’ve gone every year that I have been legally able to).

My first was a total crapshoot.  I was completely un-prepared.  I had no gameplan and came out with a notebook of illegible scribbles.

Last year was a success.  I pinpointed certain breweries/brews I wanted to try and came out a winner with 127 checkmarks.

I don’t know what I want to do this year.  I want to hit up some favorites that I don’t have access to, but other than that I’m not sure if I want to go by style, breweries, whatever.

So, what gameplan do you all have??

I try to cover the whole floor once without any really strong or really hoppy beers.  No double IPA’s or Barleywines on the first pass.  One time I made my whole first round with sour beers only, but my stomach was so bad after that that I had to leave early.
So maybe make a pass of the convention floor trying to sample all the session beers, making notes on what you want to come back and try on the second pass.

This is my second time attending and i come from out of town so I always go to atleast 2 sessions.  The first session i went to I also was unprepared and was toasted after like 2 hours(didn’t stop of course but really had no idea what i was tasting anymore.)  The next session I went to I basically just walked around and did none heavy beers like pale ales, porters, esb’s,etc.  Then I make another pass and go the bigger and hoppier beers.

I think this time i since i am going for 2 days. I may come up with a different plan like all lighter colored lower hop beers for a pass then the lighter color higher hop beers for the second pass on day one.  Then do dark beers and malty beers the second day.  I haven’t quite decided yet.

I am interested in seeing what others suggest.

Going to Thurs an Sat afternoon. Actually took Thurs and Fri off, and have a beer friend coming in for it, so festivities all day everyday thru the weekend. Planning to taste and spit (like they do w wine) for most of the session each session. Will be carrying an extra cup for such. Want to get around and try as many as possible that I can’t get here in CO, and meet some potential traders. Don’t need to drink to taste. Will adjust per favorites and time left. Not worried about getting drunk…more about getting too drunk too quick and missing out!!!

I only attended GBAF once, with Thur/Fri night/Saturday day sessions.  Thur a great time, as was Saturday day.  Friday madness.  Almost a BMC’s crowd that was not there to really taste, but to get hammered and puke… imho. Big lines at Miller/Coors/Bud stands was a sign of doom :wink:

Anyway, my wife and my plan was to hit West of Mississippi beers I could not get back in PA.  Still a lot of beer to sample, so settled on more sessions ones on first pass, as suggested by others, then IPA, barely wines, meads, and heavy spiced/flavored beers at end of each session.- Save pepper beers for last, with a session beer to cleanse mouth!  Seemed to work pretty well, but risk is always some beer you may want to try are kicked by Saturday.

Enjoy - only other advice is to bring pretzels!

I used to think I had a game plan. Hit the big popular spot first where lines form and get the waiting
out of the way, then do my thing but, meh, There is way to much beer to be picky. I just sit back
and enjoy the ride. I try and keep a mental note, to pass on some must-haves, but no particular
route intended.

Defenitely have a decent well fed meal beforehand, the wait in line to get in will settle you and you wont get ripped
right off the bat.