What do you think of this recipe for 6.5 gal?
9.5 lbs 2-row (87.9%)
14 oz Munich (8.1%)
7 oz Crystal 20 L (4%)
Mash at 151 DegF for 60 min
0.8 oz Magnum at 55 min (35.3 IBU)
1.5 oz Cascade at 0 min
1.5 oz Galaxy at 0 min
Do a 60 minute hop stand before cooling
1.5 oz Cascade Dry Hop
1.5 oz Galaxy Dry Hop
Wyeast American Ale II #1272
OG 1.048
FG 1.011
IBU/GU 0.730
I am really interested in what you think of the hop combo. I definitely want to use the Galaxy to try it out, and I only have 3 oz, so I wanted to add something else for a little more hop character. I have some other varieties on hand (like Simcoe, Willamette, EKG, N. Brewer, plus some others), but thought the Cascade might pair well with the flavors in the Galaxy I’ve read about.
I have done Galaxy with Centennial, a close friend of Cascade. The aroma and flavor was amazing, kind of like a citrusy mango. I would stick with the Magnum for bittering as Galaxy has some of the roughest bittering I’ve ever come across.
I use the Galaxy/Cascade combo as the aroma addition to my steam beer. Love it – definitely a winning combination!
Incidentally, your recipe is very close to Tallgrass 8-Bit Pale Ale, which uses the Galaxy/Cascade combo. If you can get it in your area, you might want to check it out to get an impression of Galaxy’s aromatics, which are very prevalent in 8-bit’s nose.
First, thanks for all the feedback. The reason I am doing the Galaxy with something else is that I only have 3 ounces, really want a good hop character, and don’t think that 3 ounces of Galaxy will give me the hop flavor and aroma I want.