German Rye/Roggenbier?

So i looked at the style guidelines and came up with this. ? is i think i might use 1007 instead of 3068 just because i have it on hand. So if i do are the recommendations on possible changes i should make to the grain bill or hops and what style would it fall under it i used 1007?
Recipe: German Rye TYPE: All Grain
Style: Roggenbier (German Rye Beer)
—RECIPE SPECIFICATIONS-----------------------------------------------
SRM: 16.3 SRM SRM RANGE: 14.0-19.0 SRM
IBU: 13.1 IBUs Tinseth IBU RANGE: 10.0-20.0 IBUs
OG: 1.050 SG OG RANGE: 1.046-1.056 SG
FG: 1.012 SG FG RANGE: 1.010-1.014 SG
BU:GU: 0.262 Calories: 151.6 kcal/12oz Est ABV: 5.0 %
EE%: 75.00 % Batch: 5.50 gal      Boil: 8.60 gal BT: 60 Mins


Total Grain Weight: 11 lbs 2.0 oz Total Hops: 1.41 oz oz.
—MASH/STEEP PROCESS------MASH PH:5.50 ------

Amt                  Name                                    Type          #        %/IBU       
5 lbs                Rye Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM)          Grain        1        44.9 %       
2 lbs 4.0 oz          Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)          Grain        2        20.2 %       
1 lbs 14.0 oz        Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM)            Grain        3        16.9 %       
1 lbs                Cara Rye (65.0 SRM)                      Grain        4        9.0 %       
5.7 oz                Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM)                Grain        5        3.2 %       
5.7 oz                Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L (80.0 SRM)    Grain        6        3.2 %       
4.6 oz                Carafa Special II (Weyermann) (415.0 SRM Grain        7        2.6 %

Name              Description                            Step Temperat Step Time   
Mash In          Add 5.06 gal of water at 163.6 F        153.0 F      75 min       
Mash Step        Decoct 1.54 gal of mash and boil it    168.0 F      10 min


Fly sparge with 5.07 gal water at 168.0 F

—BOIL PROCESS-----------------------------
Est Pre_Boil Gravity: 1.043 SG Est OG: 1.050 SG
Amt                  Name                                    Type          #        %/IBU       
1.01 oz              Hallertauer [4.30 %] - Boil 60.0 min    Hop          8        11.6 IBUs   
0.40 oz              Tettnang [3.70 %] - Boil 10.0 min        Hop          9        1.4 IBUs

—FERM PROCESS-----------------------------
Primary Start: 06/02/2013 - 4.00 Days at 67.0 F
Secondary Start: 06/06/2013 - 10.00 Days at 67.0 F
Style Carb Range: 2.50-2.90 Vols
Bottling Date: 06/16/2013 with 2.8 Volumes CO2:

So it doesnt seem that anyone does Roggenbier much?  3 week old and surprisingly quite tasty. Nice earthy flavor from the rye i think.  I used 3068 and fermed at 63. If anyone decided to attempt this style or recipe i would love some feedback.

I don’t think I know what it is. Educate us?

It’s a hefeweizen that uses rye malt in place of wheat.  Earthy indeed and very heady and creamy.  I haven’t brewed a German style rye ale yet but I have used American yeast on several occasions and it is in the top 3 recipes I have ever made.  I love rye in beer.  It’s great.  And not very spicy.  Just very earthy and bready.

Basically a Dunkel with Rye instead of Wheat.

Roggenbier is a medieval ale usually made from a grain bill of about half barley malt and equal portions of wheat and rye malts. Today, a Roggenbier may be either an ale or a lager. Modern renditions of the brew have about 5 to 5.5% alcohol by volume. Rye ales are mildly hopped, which allows the grain flavors to be dominant. Filtration appears to be optional in a rye ale and many, such as the Paulaner (depicted right) are “naturtrüb,” meaning naturally turbid. A yeast-turbid Roggenbier is more authentic, considering that the style had been around long before beer filtration was invented in 1878.

Being ancient brews, Roggenbiers can have a faint whiff of earthiness in the nose that is reminiscent of rye bread. The up-front sensation is one of mild fruitiness. There is a slight to extreme yeastiness and breadiness in the middle, and an almost smoky, spicy, faintly sour and very dry finish—clearly the effects of the rye malt. Effervescence ranges from medium to spritzy like a Hefeweizen. The body is substantial, almost reminiscent of a Bockbier. The brew has a pleasant, rich, off-white head when poured.

For the most part, Roggenbiers are tart, refeshing summer quaffing beers, a nice alternative to a Hefeweizen. They go extremely well with a succulent slice of barbequed roast pork.

Yes i defiantly get the earthy and bready. I am really enjoying it thus far. I would love to see other recipes so i can compare. I just threw it together after reading BJCP guidelines.

Now, take that description quattlebaum just gave and use your favorite IPA hops and you have a killer Rye IPA.  Just sayin!

Yawn… if you want to taste the rye, try going lightly on the hops sometime.  :slight_smile:

Dunkel means dark. I think you are thinking Dunkelweizen. Dunkel in most places means a dark lager. I will quote Herr Dornbusch here.

I am brewing a smoked version of Roggenbier next week some time. I will use the Wyerman Oak Smoked Wheat, around 15% of the grist.  Based on various research and talking to others that have used that malt, I feel it shouldn’t overpower the beer and provide an interesting addition to the beer.

Sounds like a very tasty idea, schemy!

Boy, not that I’m aware of.  A dunkel is a lager and roggenbier uses a weizen yeast.

Nope.  A Rye IPA wouldn’t use weizen yeast.

Your taste buds are broken!  :wink:

Never had a good commercial example of a Roggenbier (aside from Rogue’s, but I don’t think that really fits the BJCP mold).

Are there any available domestically?

i will say they are hard to find in Germany.

Certainly not a widely available style.  I’ve had a commercial example before, but it was many years ago and I can’t name one off the top of my head.  Hmmm… (as he peruses the BJCP guidelines)… ah, yes… apparently there’s only two good examples, both made in Germany… Paulaner Roggen (formerly Thurn und Taxis, no longer imported into the US), and Bürgerbräu Wolznacher Roggenbier.  Good luck finding those in the USA.

My bad i meant a “Dunkelweizen”.  I have heard a few brewers say what i have said. It’s just a Dunkelweizen replacing the wheat with partial wheat/rye blend or Rye.

I’m brewing one tomorrow with smoked rye, regular rye and Munich malt.  I’ll use the yeast cake from my rauchbock(lager), it should be interesting.

Yeah, I could go with that.  But not “dunkel”.