Thanks Jon, nothing set in stone yet. I originally had it at 75/20/5, but was just looking for a little more color and body. Maybe go somewhere in the middle?
I have nothing to add except to say my last 2 or 3 IPAs/ APAs have skipped the crystal in favor of munich/Vienna and I like the results. Nice malty, not too sweet profile. The beer your making sounds like a great idea and mandarina Bavaria are on my to get list.
Thanks Pete, cant take all the credit. It was inspired by I think Label Peelers, who were selling a kit recently that they were calling Germerican IPA. It had mainly domestic malts, with the Mandarina and Hull hops. After discussing here, mainly with Hoosierbrew, I decided to go all German(except for the Vienna, but thats close anyways). It was just as it got closer to brew day, I started to second guess my grist %s. I may just flip back to my original of 75/20/5, and may make the swap out Munich II for the Munich I for a little more color and body. This was originally scheduled for tomorrow, but I am no longer brewing tomorrow, hopefully next weekend
Looks good to me but I would be cautious with the munich as Hoosier mentioned. My current APA is all german malts and has 20% munich. I am surprised at how malty it turned out.
I had a single hopped huell melon IPA yesterday. It seems to be pretty mild.
So with the hop schedule Jon, the Mandarina is 8.5%AA and Hull is 7.2%AA. They are individually packaged 1 ounce packs. I was thinking of doing 2oz of one and 3 of the other in the whirlpool/stand and the reverse for Dry hop. with those AA’s, any big difference in which goes where? This will be the first time using the Herkules as well, and have it planned as FWH and calling it a 30 minute addition, which Beersmith says will yield 76.7IBUs. Am I underestimating what it will bring to the table as far as IBUs? The Herkules will be my only addition in BK.
70/15/15 sounds pretty good to me. And just a few oz of C40 (even 5 or 6 oz) would give you some extra color if need be. Of course there is always the option of using more gypsum to dry out the finish a little more.
No, the Melon and Mandarina won’t give you significant IBU contribution if you add them to the steep @ 180F or less, so it wouldn’t matter in that case. I like the idea of reversing the amounts for dry hop too. The 76 IBU will seem pretty much as is if, as I say, you steep the others cool enough. It sounds good !
I think you need some addition at the start of the boil to get some of that more aggressive bitterness that is typical of IPA. While I enjoy the power of FWH and it will add some bitterness I find it is too smooth on its own for some styles where the bitterness is noticeable part of the beer’s profile.
But I rarely brew IPAs so take that for what it’s worth.
just for reference Frank, the all vienna IPA and PA with a little carared, and with all mandarina i’ve made is really tasty…i classify them as GIPA (german IPA) and GPA (german pale ale) :o
Sounds awesome! I have a ½# each of Mandarina & Hull in my freezer that I plan on pairing with 100% pils malt. Just haven’t decided yet if I want to lager it and turn it into a hoppy pils or go your route and go APA/IPA (maybe with a bit of munich). I hear they’re mild by American hop standards so I was gonna go fairly heavy at around ½ oz/gal steeped and 1oz/gal dry hopped.
Also, my plan would be to follow the Pale Ale profile from Bru’NWater, but lower the sulfate from 300 down to around 150-200? I use 100% RO and build from there