Hi, I am determined to make a gluten-free beer for a neighbor with celiac disorder. I have a good recipe for a gluten-free stout, but cannot seem to source any of the ingredients (pale millet malt, buckwheat malt, biscuit rice malt, chocolate roast millet, Gashog rice malt, and dark rice malt). Does anyone sells this stuff to homebrewers?
This doesn’t exactly answer your question, but have you considered a gluten free beer kit? I know Label Peelers has a stout because I’ve brewed it and maybe there are others out there.
Also, have you researched products such as Clarity Ferm or Clearzyme? I have used both in my beers for my wife who has a gluten sensitivity.
Take a look at https://glutenfreehomebrewing.com/
Also consider that if you are making gluten free beer and u
Sing the equipment that you use in regular beer, it mi
GH T be an issue for someone with celiac.
This. Definitely check with your neighbor: depending on their degree of sensitivity, shared equipment might be a no-go.
It’s so so tough. My LHS has some gluten free grains, but not a gf mill (so definitely not usable). Websites are where I found sorghum syrup, and I can find some white and red millet easily— it’s the different types (dark, crystal, etc) that are so impossible to find and you have to make sure they get milled unless you mill your own.
as an example… but I kinda gave up bc they all ship un-milled and I don’t have/want that equipment.
Please keep us updated (or ping me ) bc I have the same issue. Makes it very hard to make the transition to even trying some of the gluten-free ideas.
Have you considered White Labs’ Clarity Ferm? This is an enzyme that reduces gluten below the official FDA threshold of 20 ppm. This is NOT strictly gluten-free, but it was good enough for my neighbor to enjoy several glasses with no ill effects. It’s cheap, easy to use and source, and the two batches that I have made with it have both been tasty brews. I have not tried a side-by-side comparison, but there are sources on the web that claim little or no detectable taste difference.
Of course, you would need to check with your friend to see if gluten-reduced is good enough for them.
Lots of good tips in our Brewers Publications book and new and renewing AHA members get ability for a free book that we’ve published including this one. https://www.brewerspublications.com/products/gluten-free-brewing-techniques-processes-and-ingredients-for-crafting-flavorful-beer
Suggesting this book not to be ‘sales-ie’ but because it’s a serious step to profess to have brewed a gf beer. The more information we as brewers have the better.
Cheers and please let us know how it turns out. Very curious and applaud the intention.
+1 for Gluten Free Homebrewing. Brian can help you source ingredients and provide recipe recommendations