Golden Lemongrass Farmhouse

Golden Lemongrass Farmhouse:

7.25 lb Pale malt
4.00 lb Wheat malt
1.00 lb Munich I
0.75 lb Caravienne
0.50 lb Light candi sugar

1.00 oz Tettnanger
1.00 oz Hallertauer
1.00 oz Saaz

Whitelabs 670 American Farmhouse Blend
Rack on 2 lbs fresh lemongrass.

Target OG: 1.058

This actually kinda resembles a Tripel. Pretty damn tasty! Please try brewing it and tell us about your results!

Any treatment on the lemon grass? Peel away the tough stuff and crush the tender stuff or just chuck it whole?

Seems like an awful lot of lemongrass… I’ve not used fresh though, just dried, so I’m unfamiliar to a certain extent.  It doesn’t seem like there’s that large of a difference though.  I’ve used a matter of teaspoons dried…

No treatment on the lemongrass. Just cut it up and throw it in. It seems like a lot but the stuff I got only imparts a subtle lemony freshness. All my samples have been pretty outstanding.

3 months into ferm and still waiting for the gravity to level off. It’s been hovering at 1.004 for a month now.

Does anyone know if White Labs 670 drops all the way down to 1.000? This is my first time using it.

[quote=“dbeechum, post:2, topic:10925, username:dbeechum”]

Any treatment on the lemon grass? Peel away the tough stuff and crush the tender stuff or just chuck it whole?

Just did a lemongrass wit.  Tip from Local Brewpub who has done firkins of lemongrass ales.  Cut into chunks, soak in everclear to release oils, put in boil kettle at flameout.

Yum! That sounds really tasty!

It will depend on the amount of fermentable sugar available for the yeast to consume. Mash schedule and the grist bill will be the biggest players, not to mention fermentation health.

I am guessing the Brett. in the WLP670 will get you pretty darn close to 1.000.

Turned out awesome!

Bottled in champagne bottles with 1/2 pack champagne yeast and simple syrup made with dextrose. The lemongrass is very subtle but good. This will age very nicely with the WLP670 yeast. Slight funky farmhouse character at bottling turned seriously spicy and weird after only a month in bottles. It’s only going to get crazier.

Next time might want to try lemongrass extract to get a sharper lemony flavor/aroma.

Someone try brewing this and let me know how it goes! This is going to be a nice cellar beer for months/years to come!

Brett can do some interesting stuff with other flavor compounds. I’m curious to see what it does to the lemongrass over time.