I brewed up a Belgian Golden strong (OG - 1.085, est. ABV - 10%, 30 IBU). I know that strong beers age better than weak beers and darker beers age better than paler beers. How will my pale strong beer age? Will I be enjoying a better beer in late April or should it all be drunk by January 1st? Right now the beer is on day 13 in the primary and its finally starting to slow down, hopefully I will be bottling next Wednesday/Thursday.
I recently found a nearly full case of Duvel that I bought 3 years ago and forgot about. It had remained in great shape and maybe even improved a bit.
The flavor may mellow and change over time, but will be good.
Also depends on how you store it. I think cellar temp (55ish) and dark is about right for aging beer. As long as you keep it cool and in the dark it should hold up well. Of course it will also depend on how the beer was handled prior to bottling. Properly packaged high ABV beer kept cold and under pressure will last for years to come.
Hey, it was with the cases of wine…I totally forgot about it! It was a nice surprise to find it, though!
Could not resist on that one!
Well done!
One of the guys from my homebrew club just got back from a trip to Belgium. He said they were at a bus stop, and noticed a bottle neck sticking out of a brown paper bag sitting next to a bench. His friend he was visiting said, “Hey, wanna see a Belgian 40oz?” He grabbed the bag and pulled out a bottle of Duvel. Apparently normal people over there drink macrolager and mostly bums drink Duvel because it’s cheap and strong.
I’m not sure about the veracity of that story, but I thought it was funny.
I’m not sure my brew is up to Duvel standards, but that’s good to know. I’ll try to make it last.
Also, nice work on the meme {:>)