I wonder how many experienced assistant brewers in the American Craft Beer world would be interested in taking a job in South Korea? I am only trying to gauge what kind of interest is out there. I know a brewpub locally that is trying to make real American Craft Beer styles here in South Korea, but I don’t think the knowledge base here is adequate. The Korean brewers here are afraid of hops and creative, innovative ways of making beer. There are no American brewers here that I know of… and if there were, they’d most likely be coerced into making the same three Euro styles - pilsner, weizen, dunkel. The brewpub here wants to break the mold and introduce this place to real beer… hopped-IPA’s, big stouts, red ales, etc.
People I know out here don’t think a good assistant brewer would dare come. I think someone would be interested in helping develop a new beer culture in a foreign country. Either way, I speak in no formal way for the brewpub. I’m just trying to figure out if there’s any interest. If so, I can at least pass the info along to the guys at the brewpub to see if they might have some capital to fund such an endeavor.
If a brewery could entice a guy like Fal Allen to move to Singapore for a few years, they can get someone to go to Korea. I don’t think it would be hard at all. The main problem is you probably need someone who is single, they relocate much easier, but then they might be on the younger side and not have as much experience as the brewery may want. Although I can think of at least one guy who fits the bill with a lot of experience and a real sense of adventure. He might actually be up for it, and many of his beers are awesome, he makes a great IPA. He definitely knows how to use hops.
I’m thinking young is fine… as long as the guy is experienced and knows his way around the equipment and has an ability to deal with the cultural oddities of living in a foriegn land. I don’t know when/if they would be able to get the capital to fund such an endeavor, but Korea needs someone to influence the way beer is made here. If you can, message me the guy’s info and I can at least send that to my brewpub friends for them to ponder. The brewers they have now are good at doing pilsners, dunkels, and wheat beers… and the IPA isn’t bad… but to get that American creativity and brewing innovation here would be outstanding. I believe there is a future for good beer in Korea. This could be a place where an experienced brewer could make a name for himself… and maybe enjoy the culture here at the same time.
Sure. I understand that. And by all means, the timing of this (if it even would happen) might take a while. It’s mostly about them getting the funding. They’ve already bought more fermenters and are expanding their brewery, but would have to get buy-in from investors or seek new sources of capital. I know they’re interested in making the best beer possible… but within their ability to do so within their resources.
Another idea they had was to have an experienced brewer come over for a week or two from time to time and help the Korean brewers get up to speed on American Craft Beer and help brew newer styles of beer. Again, these are just ideas they’re kicking around. The brewery is out in the middle of nowhere by the way… haha. So, unless you can speak Korean and/or use the subway, this place would be fairly austere. Seoul is about an hour away. Seoul is where you’ll find the modern amenities. Anyway, any interested brewers are welcome to continue a dialogue about this. And Gribble, if you’re serious, send me a private message so we can at least talk about the possibilities. Cheers, Bill
I’ve been talking to the manager of the brewpub and he’s going to talk to the brewery owner to see where we can go on the matter. I’ve been trying to help get American style Craft Beer brewed here, but for some reason my homebrewed recipes don’t translate well on the big equipment… that and I have no commercial brewing experience. They do have Korean brewers that have been trained by local brewmasters (who have been taught in Germany), but they seem to lack any sense of creativity or want to deviate from the pedestrian pilsner, dunkel, and weizen. Anyway, if they do decide to go the consultant route, I’d need to get some kind of resume or work experience from you guys. And you’d have to know that the living conditions wouldn’t be 5-star… and you might eat some things that are still breathing or smell funny… haha. Actually, I work on the military base and would be able to sign you onto the base for regular American food. Either way, it would be an experience. Again, this is no done deal, but is a work in progress. Any information you interested guys could provide would at least get us set up to prepare for the possibility of having someone come over as a consultant to help get our $#it straight… haha. Cheers, Bill
I love Korean food. My wife used to work for LG and I got to know a few Koreans. I also took Tae Kwon Do for about 10 years. Anyway, another option they might consider is coming over here. There are 3 operating breweries in Huntsville and I know every single one of us would be more than happy to host for a week or two.
I’m a big fan of Korean food too :) The BBQ is the best! The other food is probably lovely too, but the BBQ is so good I rarely stray from there.
I was thinking that a trip for them to come here might be good too, we have a lot of breweries and I’m sure a bunch of them would be willing to host. We also have a big Asian population, and I know a bunch of native Koreans through my kids’ TKD school, so if their English isn’t that great I think it would be easy to find a translator.
My questions for them would start with what ingredients they are using. Types of malt and manufacturers. I’m guessing they are not using Crisp MO to make their beers? The hops are probably different too. And since you said your beers don’t scale up well (not really surprising), are your ingredients different? What malt CAN they get?
What size is their system? Do they have a pilot system?
Have they had the water tested?
What kind of beer do they want to make?
For them to get the most out of any consulting, I think they’d need to answer those questions up front. It would also be good for them to send samples of their ingredients to the consultant for test brews and recipe development. Some of it could be done prior to the first trip, I think that would be helpful for them.
From some of your previous posts I seem to remember the ingredients could be a problem for them, plus their willingness to use hops in the proportions typical for hoppy US beers.
If you want to make American style Ales you need to have American Ingredients to have your beer taste authentic.
You also need to emulate brewing process.
No double decoction on American IPA!!!
I have scaled my 5 gal recipe to 5.5 BBL brewhouse and it worked pretty good.
Your yeast profile will be different but close.
I am not planning to move to Korea. Love the food and Rosseta Stone is no go for me :D.
Good Luck.
I understand wanting to experiment with American style craft brews and it’s a great idea but I think it would be great to figure out how to use local ingredients to create a South Korean style craft beer thing. think hitacho nest etc. beer an american can enjoy but with a flair from the culture that is spawning it.