Want American Craft Beer in South Korea... PLEASE HELP!!!

Hey Craft Beer Lovers,

I live in South Korea.  Beer here is bad… super bad.  They have no appreciation for good beer.  American Craft Beer is arguably the best beer in the world.  The base gets beer, but most is bad too… AB, Coors, Miller, etc.  There are some Sam Adams and some Euro beers, but I want GREAT AMERICAN CRAFT BEER!!!  Anyone know anyone (that knows anyone) who can figure out a way to get us the good stuff here in South Korea… some Sierra Nevada, Russian River, Dogfish Head, Founders, Bells, etc.???  I’ve been trying for two years, but I have a job that pays the bills I have to devote 50 hours a week to and don’t have time to devote to figuring this out on my own.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
