Good bye dial up, hello 2011!!! Kinda.

Some of you may know that I live so far out in the sticks that I have not had access to high speed internet for 7 years or so. Welp, I finally got rid of dial up and got satellite internet through Hughes Net. Not as fast as the cable modem at work but soooo much better than dial up. And I also have WiFi through out the entire house now, which means I can surf the forum on my iPod. Woot!

Side note: I actually downloaded the Avenger’s Trailer yesterday (20 megs). Still took about 10 minutes or so but I could never do that on DU.

Good luck with that. I had it and finally got rid of it, because they kept throttling my speed based on their MVG (Monthly Volume Guarantee).

Congrats!  But please, no posting pictures from the “Throne” room

I was at a hotel and needed a 256MB file and the download time was going to be an two and a half hours!!! I had my wife get it for me at work to pull out the two files I needed. When I got home I downloaded the file and it took about 5 min.


Faster is always better when it comes to the great wide world of internet activities.  :)

I think this guy would disagree.  :smiley:


I remember when we made that move. What a difference. Ours was
all to WiFi tho, no satellite.  We use line of sight rf antenna…


It certainly ain’t the fastest and I won’t be streaming any Netflix movies any time soon but downloading a 256 meg file in 2 hours would be awesome considering you could never finish the download on dial up. Now checking email at home is a 20 second task rather than a 1-2 minute task. I’ll take it. For now.  :wink:

Is it still $60 - ??? a month?

$39.99, no installation fee. The $600 installation fee was the stopper for me. Up until now.

Mine is the same @ $40

It’s come down a lot and you’re right, I had to pay that $600 fee. They wouldn’t let me do it myself, because it involves microwave transmission.

I went through the same transition a few years back.  Satellite internet was great til we got a heavy rainstorm or snow (which you probably don’t have to worry about).  We had satellite for 3 years or so, then our extremely tiny cable co. finally offered internet service.  I jumped on it…much faster and cheaper than satellite.

Good price.  We paid about $80/mo., but that was for the fastest, highest volume tier so my wife could work from home.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Uhg, I used this about 5 years ago to work from home, highest teir service and it sucked. it was slow (although fast compared to dial up it’s true) Down was slow up was even slower. and if it snowed or rained heavily or a deer or dog walked in front of the dish I lost signal. I always worried about the microwave transmission warnings on the thing to. I had a fence about 2 feet from the dish to keep critters from cooking themselves. probably paranoid but it’s what they recomended at the time.

You can’t connect via a 3G aircard?

Don’t know about him, but I can’t.  Virtually no cell service at my house.

No cell phone service at my place. We do have running water and flushable toilettes.  :wink:

Fwiw pouring down rain right now and no inturruption of service.